Sunday, March 30, 2014


Snails    March 30, 2014

Scooping up a snail

Got one

Look at all the snails

   Last night Ben told the girls to come see all the snails crawling on a tree in the yard. Definitely not something we see in Alberta!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Happy 6th Anniversry

Happy 6th Anniversary   March 29 2014



   Yesterday was our 6th anniversary, time sure does go fast. It is hard to believe that our wedding  was already 6 years ago! The girls were excited to celebrate, and made lots of anniversary cards. We decorated the table with a candle and flowers from outside, and Ben brought Chinese Food home for supper. While we were cleaning up and getting ready for supper, Saidey said, " Mom, don't you think it would be nice if there wasn"t kids on your anniversary to make a mess?" And i told her that we love having kids to make a mess and take care of. Life sure has changed in 6 years, definitely for the better!
   I am so thankful that God picked Ben to be my husband! He is the most patient, happy, hardworking guy! He tries to be understanding, which isn't easy for a guy who was has no sisters and 5 big brothers.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Thursday, March 20, 2014

25 Weeks And A Ladybug

25 Weeks And A Ladybug   March 20, 2013

25 weeks

So fun to wear bright Spring colors again!

Ladybug love

   Today I am 25 weeks pregnant. Time is starting to go faster, and we are so thankful  to hear "baby is growing good" and "everything looks great" at my monthly Doctor checkups! Ben finally felt the baby kicking the other night, so that was special. He said "it must be kind of exciting to have something growing in you," and it is, I love being pregnant.
   The girls were excited to catch their first ladybugs of the year:) They found 3 and put them in a jar in on the living room coffee table, so we could all watch them. Usually it is Saidey who is the animal lover, but Hannah was pretty excited about these little ladybugs.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Springtime!   March 11,  2013

Playground muscles

Bike ride

Copying her big sister

So happy for the beautiful sunshine!

Crying because her bike has a flat tire:(


   Today we woke up to sunny skies, which was nice because its been pretty gloomy here lately. I think everyone is ready for springtime! We spent all morning at the park, only running back to the house every 40 minutes to change a load of laundry, ( a bonus of living in town 2 minutes from a park!) Saidey's bike has a flat tire and she was pretty jealous watching Hannah bike around!
   I promised the girls we could go to the pool today, but it would be sad to waste such a beautiful day at the indoor pool, so I convinced them we should wait until Ben gets home from work.
   Yesterday the girls found enough flowers in the yard to make a beautiful bouquet for the living room. so nice to see flowers again. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Our Baby

Our Baby   March 5, 3013

Hmmm, boy or girl?

I Love smiles with missing teeth :)

Saidey took a belly picture for me


   Two weeks ago I had an special ultrasound appointment in Surrey, so we dropped the girls off at Bens moms and off we went. I was happy that Ben was able to get time off and come along, because the doctor doing the ulrasound was going to tell us how our baby was growing and if there were any problems as she did the ultrasound. Thankfully we had a chatty, friendly Doctor doing the ultrasound. There is nothing more nerve wracking than a quiet sternfaced ultrasound technician!!! As she measured and checked out our baby she kept saying things like, " amazing  femur" and " perfect head". It is amazing how all these body parts need to form and grow to make a healthy little person, and we were so thankful to God when the Doctor told us everything looks perfect. We found out what we are having and are super excited! Now we just have to try keep it a secret for four more months:)
   The girls are still very excited about the baby, but they do not know if its a boy or a girl. I dont think they would of been able to keep it a secret! They talk about our baby every day, and are always coming up with name suggestions. They giggle if they are sitting on my lap and i tell them that the baby is kicking them.