Friday, December 6, 2013

Oma December 6, 2013

Oma  December 6,  2013

   This past Tuesday Oma had a stroke. I was very surprised when I heard because she always seems so healthy! Thankfully the Doctors say she is doing well.
   It is hard to be so far away, it would be so nice to see her. It is hard to tell how serious it is and if she has changed from here.
   I remember when Bens Opa was in the Hospital before he passed away how shocked we were when we got to see him and  talk to him on face time. Its hard for it to seem real when your not there.
   Oma is one of my favorite people. She never complains, about anything! She is the only person I know that drinks tea from a dainty tea cup and saucer. Oma is a real lady, I love all her skirts, and that she washes her hair and sets it in rollers on Saturday so that on Sunday she will look her very best. Oma is strong, after Opa died she didn't give up, never seemed angry to be the one left behind. Oma is also very funny, and thankfully I've heard her sense of humor is still there after the stroke.
   I remember the last Friday before we moved to BC me and the girls went to clean Omas, and while we were having coffee they were so funny. Saidey and Hannah were asking her random things like, "Are you a door Oma?" and she would have a funny reason why not, and then " are you a chicken Oma?" and so they were all pretending to be chickens.  The girls miss Oma, and Saidey especially is very worried about her and thinks we should send her a plant in the mail.
   When Saidey and Hannah were born we got to pick a blanket Oma made or money to buy a gift, and both times we picked a beautiful blanket. We use the blanket for the girls for there Baptism, and it hangs on their crib while they are babies and then I put it in their keepsake boxes. I have no idea how much the stroke affected Omas hands, but it would be very very special to have a blanket for this next baby.
   We pray that God will be with Oma, and that He will give her healing and comfort. That He will give her the strength she needs to deal with the changes the stroke brings, and with however this might change her life.
   We love you Oma!