Monday, November 4, 2013

Big Changes

Big Changes  November 4, 2013

   Big things are happening for our family lately!  One night not even a week ago we started talking again about moving to BC for sort of a working vacation, and now not even a week later we are packing like crazy! It will be so nice for the girls to get to know there BC side of the family better, and Ben is excited that he was able to get his old job back. So the Lord willing we leave in 2 weeks, and hopefully the roads will be okay. We plan to go until the middle of next August and move back to Alberta in time for Saidey to start Kindergarten.
   And the reason the girls look so excited in the picture above is because right before I took this very blurry picture Ben told them that they were going to get a new baby brother or sister. So we are praying that everything goes well and sometime at the very end of June hopefully we will be a family of five.

Trick or Treat and The Lost Tooth

Trick or Treat and The Lost Tooth  November 4,  2013

Lost her first tooth!

   Exciting news, Saidey lost her first tooth. This is a very exciting milestone, one that makes me excited instead of sad that they are growing up so fast. Saidey was not excited at all, not when we discovered the loose tooth, or when it fell out. We tried to help her understand that this was something very exciting, but she just wanted to keep her little tooth! She was excited to wake up the morning after her tooth fell out and find that the tooth fairy really is real and had left her a toonie because her baby tooth was so clean. It was fun to answer all there tooth fairy questions. They decided after a long discussion that the tooth fairy is like a fly, and can squeeze through tiny cracks in our house and that is how she gets in and out. We love her missing tooth smile!
   The girls were also very excited to trick or teat, Saidey was Snow White and Hannah was Sleeping Beauty. They got to wear a tiny bit of lipstick and get pink cheeks, so that and all the candy they got made there day!