Thursday, August 29, 2013

Whoop Up Days

Whoop Up Days    August 29,  2013

                                                       My favorite!

                                         Amber's Tatoo
Ben won some money and
then lost it all :)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Corn Fest

Corn Fest     August 24, 2013

  Last night I took the girls to Taber Corn Fest. Ben couldn't come because he had a year end golf BBQ so it was just us girls. Hannah was brave enough to go on some rides this year, so it was fun to watch the girls together.
 Hannah's duck pond prize ( funny how you never pick a duck saying medium or large
prize, only small)
 Saidey loved the rides
 A bit nervous at first

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Camping at Enchant

August 21,  2013      Camping At Enchant

   On Monday August the 12th we went camping at Enchant for three nights. The weather was amazing, very hot! We went with my mom, Keshia and her 2 boys, and Amber. Our girls loved it!
   Two days before we left for camp we found a super deal on a camp trailer so after Ben was done work we went to check it out and loved it. It even has a bathtub! The best part about it though was the fridge/freezer, it makes camping so easy and I always hated throwing money away to buy ice to keep our coolers cold! We tried tenting our other camping trips this year it works, but its nicer to be up off the ground, and the girls fall asleep much faster in the trailer, I think maybe because the late 70's décor in our trailer keeps it nice and dark :)
These two were best buds, and thought they were super cool with their sunglasses ( Hannah loves hers upside down)

 Alot of time spent playing in the dirt


 Randy and Kesh
 Worlds best Babysitter
It was a very relaxing camping trip. The kids played so nice. It is such a nice campground and the fountains in the lake keep the water clean.