Friday, December 6, 2013

Oma December 6, 2013

Oma  December 6,  2013

   This past Tuesday Oma had a stroke. I was very surprised when I heard because she always seems so healthy! Thankfully the Doctors say she is doing well.
   It is hard to be so far away, it would be so nice to see her. It is hard to tell how serious it is and if she has changed from here.
   I remember when Bens Opa was in the Hospital before he passed away how shocked we were when we got to see him and  talk to him on face time. Its hard for it to seem real when your not there.
   Oma is one of my favorite people. She never complains, about anything! She is the only person I know that drinks tea from a dainty tea cup and saucer. Oma is a real lady, I love all her skirts, and that she washes her hair and sets it in rollers on Saturday so that on Sunday she will look her very best. Oma is strong, after Opa died she didn't give up, never seemed angry to be the one left behind. Oma is also very funny, and thankfully I've heard her sense of humor is still there after the stroke.
   I remember the last Friday before we moved to BC me and the girls went to clean Omas, and while we were having coffee they were so funny. Saidey and Hannah were asking her random things like, "Are you a door Oma?" and she would have a funny reason why not, and then " are you a chicken Oma?" and so they were all pretending to be chickens.  The girls miss Oma, and Saidey especially is very worried about her and thinks we should send her a plant in the mail.
   When Saidey and Hannah were born we got to pick a blanket Oma made or money to buy a gift, and both times we picked a beautiful blanket. We use the blanket for the girls for there Baptism, and it hangs on their crib while they are babies and then I put it in their keepsake boxes. I have no idea how much the stroke affected Omas hands, but it would be very very special to have a blanket for this next baby.
   We pray that God will be with Oma, and that He will give her healing and comfort. That He will give her the strength she needs to deal with the changes the stroke brings, and with however this might change her life.
   We love you Oma!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Big Changes

Big Changes  November 4, 2013

   Big things are happening for our family lately!  One night not even a week ago we started talking again about moving to BC for sort of a working vacation, and now not even a week later we are packing like crazy! It will be so nice for the girls to get to know there BC side of the family better, and Ben is excited that he was able to get his old job back. So the Lord willing we leave in 2 weeks, and hopefully the roads will be okay. We plan to go until the middle of next August and move back to Alberta in time for Saidey to start Kindergarten.
   And the reason the girls look so excited in the picture above is because right before I took this very blurry picture Ben told them that they were going to get a new baby brother or sister. So we are praying that everything goes well and sometime at the very end of June hopefully we will be a family of five.

Trick or Treat and The Lost Tooth

Trick or Treat and The Lost Tooth  November 4,  2013

Lost her first tooth!

   Exciting news, Saidey lost her first tooth. This is a very exciting milestone, one that makes me excited instead of sad that they are growing up so fast. Saidey was not excited at all, not when we discovered the loose tooth, or when it fell out. We tried to help her understand that this was something very exciting, but she just wanted to keep her little tooth! She was excited to wake up the morning after her tooth fell out and find that the tooth fairy really is real and had left her a toonie because her baby tooth was so clean. It was fun to answer all there tooth fairy questions. They decided after a long discussion that the tooth fairy is like a fly, and can squeeze through tiny cracks in our house and that is how she gets in and out. We love her missing tooth smile!
   The girls were also very excited to trick or teat, Saidey was Snow White and Hannah was Sleeping Beauty. They got to wear a tiny bit of lipstick and get pink cheeks, so that and all the candy they got made there day!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fishing Trip

Fishing Trip   October 27, 2013

   Yesterday we tried to go "fishing" but the ditches by our house were dry, so when Ben got home from work we took the girls to Stafford Lake.
   It was beautiful to be there when the sun went down. The girls were disappointed nobody caught a fish, but they did find lots of treasures on the beach.
   It is crazy that yesterday Hannah was putting her bare feet in the lake, and today we got our first snow!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Neighbours Baby Bunnies

Neighbours Baby Bunnies   October 18,  2013


                                                      Hannah wasn't too impressed.
                                                                       So cute!
 All cozy in there little nest.
Awwww. Today we got to go see our neighbours baby bunnies, they are so tiny, soft and CUTE! Saidey and I think we need to give bunnies another try, which a makes Ben annoyed! We gave ours to Randy for his birthday because Hannah was allergic, but she seems fine now. Or maybe we have enough pets and should leave the bunnies to the neighbours:)

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Thanksgiving   October 17,  2013

Baby Adam

                                                    The leaf pile uncle Kyle made


   We had a lovely Thanksgiving long weekend. Ben had 3 days off and got a lot done on the fence. We had thanksgiving dinner at my parents, and the girls were very excited there cousins were there also! They had a lot of fun, especially jumping in the leaf pile Uncle Kyle raked for them.
   We also went for a picnic at Readymade park, probably the last time until spring, it was pretty cold eating supper outside.
   I am so thankful for many things but especially for the loving care God has shown to our family, I am also thankful for Ben's job where there is never a shortage of work so that we can buy food and drink, clothes ( lots of clothes:)), and pay for our house. I am also thankful for our healthy family, especially because Saidey has been so healthy for the past 3 years she hasn't even needed to be admitted to the hospital even once. Also I am thankful that I get to be a stay at home mom, that has been my dream since I was about 6 years old:)
    On Monday morning at breakfast we went around the table saying what we were thankful for, Saidey said "Grandma", Hannah said " Hot chocolate", Ben said " His family" and I said " A healthy family".

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fall Is Here

Fall Is Here     October 9,  2013

                                                      Crafts And Hot Chocolate
                                                      Pumpkins from our garden
                                                                            Fall Shelf
                                                                     Booger Nose

   Fall is here and we love it. This summer was busy an fall seems a lot slower. Saidey has been in   Pre school for about a month and she loves it. She was devastated when she had to miss 2 days for a trip to BC.
   Some exciting things have been happening. On October 1st we Got a new Niece and a new Nephew! ( Not even twins, what are the chances)
Last week we found a chain link fence on Kijiji that is almost big enough to go around our whole yard so Ben has started working on that. The girls are very excited because sometimes they are scared to go outside because of big dogs running through our yard.
And we got family pictures taken when we were in BC, thanks Jackie!!! Here is a few of my favorites

                                                                        Love It!
The reason we were in BC was because Bens Opa VanOene Passed away.  Opa was a very special man. He was a Minister for many years retireing 2 years before Ben was born. He continued to preach until two weeks before he passed away giving his 7210th sermon.
We are very thankful that Opa and Oma were able to travel all the way here from BC in 2008 so that Opa could officiate our wedding, that will always be very special!
I will remember Opa as happy man. He was always excited to see us when we came to vist, alwys giving us a hug and a kiss on the cheek. It was nice to vist Opa and Oma at there house, he always dug out some toys for Saidey and Hannah to play with and never seemed nervous or grumpy if the girls came into there living room filled filled with nick nacks and pictures.
We were not able to vist Opa while he was sick, but we did get to see him on Facetime over the computer while he was in the hospital. It was shocking to see him so sick, when just 3 short months before that we were sitting on Bens parents patio with him having coffee and he seemed so alive and healthy!
 Opa was a happy healthy Christian man who lived a good life, and we know he is in a better place now. We do grieve especially with Oma , as she now has to adjust to life without Opa, and  move into a new place. We pray for her often and hope she is doing well.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Goodbye Roosters

Goodbye Roosters   September 11,  2013

                     WARNING, some readers may find they following pictures disturbing.
Rooster # 1

Plucking Feathers


   Tonight we butchered our two roosters and a hen. The roosters were starting to crow a lot, which probably isn't aloud since we live in a Hamlet, and they didn't just crow early in the morning, but all day long! So Ben and I watched a You Tube video on how to butcher a chicken, and decided it looked pretty easy so we got started. I was scared it would be sad to watch the killing part, but it was okay ( Ben did that part) and once they were dead it was in Hannah's words " It looks just like food". So I plucked feathers and Ben took out the chickens insides, which was actually amazing to watch. The hen we butchered actually had different stages of eggs developing inside of her.
   After we were done Ben put some on the BBQ and said the meat was a bit tough, so tomorrow I will try it in the crock pot and hopefully that helps. Quite an experience. Ben actually said he would do it again, and that it was a nice way to spend an evening. Must be a guy thing?

Friday, September 6, 2013

Yay First Day

Yay First Day   September 7,   2013
   Thursday was Saidey's first day of Pre School. Parents were allowed to stay or leave, depending on how brave there kid was feeling:) Saidey wanted me to stay so I mostly sat while she explored her new classroom. After about an hour she said " okay mom, you can go now".

   When I went to pick her up at the end of the day she was happy, and said Pre School was fun, but long, and that she liked playing babies with the girls in her class, but that she stopped playing at the sand table with the boy because he was in a mood. She was very sad they didn't get to play on the playground because it was the first day, and thought it was amazing they get to play with bubble water in the classroom.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Whoop Up Days

Whoop Up Days    August 29,  2013

                                                       My favorite!

                                         Amber's Tatoo
Ben won some money and
then lost it all :)